Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Oh and Senator, one more thing: love your suit."

This week I have...


The Labyrinth, finally - yeah, I know, I know. I was born in 1987 and I've only just watched The Labyrinth for the first time. Anyway, it was pretty awesome, but man Jennifer Connolly is a terrible actress. In that movie, anyway. And it is a kids' film, I guess I shouldn't judge too harshly. I haven't seen anything else she's been in except Requiem For A Dream and I hated that (book is much better), and that stupid chick flick, He's Just Not That Into You. And she was so annoying in that. But anyway, back to The Labyrinth. Bowie was AWESOME. I loved him a lot before, now I sorta want to marry him. And I don't even believe in marriage. Well, maybe I just want to talk like Jareth forever. So yeah, 9/10 for The Labyrinth. Loses one point because Jennifer Connolly is such a div.

The Exorcist - for the first time since I was 13. My perceptions of it haven't changed much at all, I still think it's hilarious. My friend and I agreed that it would be a much better film if they edited everything out except Regan being a filthy-mouthed demon though. But then again, I think that's just the general consensus about that film.

Six Feet Under: Season One (for like, the third time. I love that show so much. And now I OWN it). - 10/10, obvs.

Bronson - probably shouldn't have let myself get distracted by facebook when I was watching this. It looked well-made. Um, 8/10.

Rain - Really good NZ film. Thirteen year old girl 'coming of age' kind of thing. But in NZ, so super-depressing stuff happens. I was thinking about this before, you know, the fact that New Zealanders really hate uplifting, lightweight kind of films, especially if they're made here. I don't know why that is. But it's really something I love about this place. We're just so fucking down on ourselves, it's great. So Rain gets 8/10 from me.

Silence of the Lambs - um, 10/10, obviously. I've watched it about 65 billion times and it never ceases to amaze me. I identify so strongly with Clarice Starling that it kind of scares me. Except she's way more amazing than I'll ever be.

If I'm still awake after Silence of the Lambs (not likely, it's a long movie and it's 10:30pm right now), I'll watch Bright Star, Jane Campion's new film.


Finished The White Hotel by D.M. Thomas yesterday. Um, wow. Fuck, that book is weird. Good weird. Amazing weird. It kind of has two endings, and the first one is so horrifying that it stays with you...the second ending is sort of a deliberate fantasy but like I say, the first ending is so shocking that you kind of just stumble through the second one in a horrified, confused stupor. Then you think about it and it all makes sense but it's still unbearably sad. I think the second ending made me even sadder even though I think it was meant to be Lisa's attempt at finding peace. Well, actually, no, I know exactly what it was but I don't want to give the ending away. Okay, fine - the second ending is an imagined fantasy version of the first ending because that's how Lisa deals with the trauma of her life ending in a concentration camp. See? This book is horrifying.

Anyway, started The Little Friend by Donna Tartt today. I only had time to get a few pages through but I do like it so far. I have a total thirst for tragic stories lately, probably a bad sign.

Listening to:

Dean & Britta's album Back Numbers and Wild Nothing's album Gemini - so good. Such excellent recommendations! I'm so lucky to have people to tell me what to listen to, haha. I just get lazy and listen to my old favourites otherwise. Nothing wrong with that once in a while but it's cool when I like new stuff enough to add it to the "old faves" list.

Oh yeah! On Monday night I saw Bill Bailey live! He was incredible, of course. He did like five encores, haha. We kept clapping but he'd take ages to come back out so everyone kept thinking the show was over but he did come back eventually...over and over again. I honestly could have stayed and watched him for another couple of hours. He did a lot of his old classics but there was a lot of new material too. Ah, I love Bill.


Charlie said...

Wow, the White Hotel sounds horrible but really good...

Louise Stella Isabelle Adams said...

Seriously. You totally don't expect it to end that way either. You should read it! It's only about 240 pages long so it won't take you long. And it's worth it, there are some really funny bits. Come to think of it, maybe I'll make a blog post or something that's just my favourite quotes from books, haha.