Can YOU tell the difference between a symphony and a cacophony?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Chained & Perfumed
Also, R.I.P. Harvey Pekar. I didn't know his work well but I liked American Splendor a lot and I suspect that it will be flying off the shelves tomorrow.
Yeah, this morning apparently! He was 70 though he lived a long and complainy life. I read about it on Pitchfork, apparently they're unsure of the cause. I'll post the link if I can find it again.
oh man, he died?
Yeah, this morning apparently! He was 70 though he lived a long and complainy life. I read about it on Pitchfork, apparently they're unsure of the cause. I'll post the link if I can find it again.
...I'll post it on your facebook too...just cos I can :)
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