Wednesday, June 23, 2010

This week:


Post-Grad - (U.S, 2009) 4/10
This movie was pretty fucking stupid. The opening scene is fucking cringeworthy and Alexis Bleidel is kind of an asshole...but to be honest, I really identified with the theme of feeling like a total failure when you don't get a great job right after you graduate. However, I couldn't quite identify with the "getting the dream job then leaving it to be with some dude". I thought in doing that she became an even bigger loser than the bit when she worked in the suitcase store. So yeah, this movie kind of really pissed me off. I mean, if I really take it to pieces it's yet another incredibly sexist piece of Hollywood cinema. Typical. Oh yeah, the only awesome thing about this film was Jane Lynch and she was hardly even in it! And why she agreed to do it is beyond me.

The Private Lives of Pippa Lee - (U.S, 2009) 5/10
Yeah, another low score. But it was still better than Post-Grad. Fuck, The Private Lives of Pippa Lee had so much going for it - Robin Wright, Winona Ryder, even a brief appearance by Julianne Moore - but goddamn it was so pointless. I mean, I quite liked Robin Wright's character, Pippa Lee, but on the whole it was just a totally pointless movie. Although it was sort of funny how Winona Ryder's character had an affair with Alan Arkin's character because I'm so used to seeing them as father and daughter in Edward Scissorhands.

The Strength of Water - (N.Z, 2009) 7.5/10
Very sad and beautiful film although the shaky camerawork in the early scenes kind of annoyed me. It seemed steady for the last three quarters of the movie though. And I hate to say it, but it was also another one of those films that seems designed to show how third world some parts of rural New Zealand are. I guess I know that that's just how it is, since I've actually been there. I'm not sure why, I just find that aspect of some N.Z films kind of unsettling. I guess that's half the point.

Doubt (U.S, 2008) - 7/10
Very well done although I was distracted or multi-tasking or something during the early scenes so I think I missed something crucial; the film seemed very short and the ending quite sudden. I'm watching it again because it seems worth it. Philip Seymour Hoffman and Meryl Streep especially are incredible as always.

South Park Seasons 7 & 8 - (U.S, 2003-2004) 10/10 and 8/10, respectively
Well yeah, it kind of goes without saying that this kicks ass. Although Season 8 really suffered from the fact that Matt and Trey were making Team America at the same time. Still better than anything else on TV though.


Still The White Hotel - almost done though! Next up will be some Atwood, I think.

Listening to:

My friend recommended Wild Nothing to me, can't believe it's taken me this long to get around to listening to them properly. Great stuff. Also went to The Full Fucking Moon's gig last Thursday and fuck are they awesome. Can't wait to see them play again.

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