Thursday, May 16, 2013

Jacob Ring.

Found on my favourite blog ever, Dark Silence In Suburbia.
I don't know if the person who runs it has ever seen my blog...probably not...but if they're reading it right now, I may as well say that I've been following your blog for years and I love it. I can't believe how much amazing art I've discovered just because of your blog. Yay.


I just decided to post my favourite two. There are many more on Jacob Ring's website.

His work kind of reminds me of Joel-Peter Witkin who is easily my favourite photographer of all time. Now I guess I can say I have a top three photographers:
1. Joel-Peter Witkin
2. Robert Mapplethorpe
3. Jacob Ring

There was another one I saw a couple of years ago who only took photographs of animals, I've got to find his/her work again.

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