Monday, September 13, 2010

Aries (March 21-April 19)

"It's highly likely you're not going to like what I'm about to tell you, but please stick with me anyway. If it feels like parts of you (maybe even all the parts) are presently falling apart (or being ripped to shreds, as the case may be), then you are appropriately priming yourself for next year's rebirth. However, if you're trying to model the stoic warrior façade and refusing to let the 'setbacks' (which are, more precisely, the cumbersome complexities involved in moving forward) outwardly rattle you, you need to drop the brave routine right away. See, Aries, you're right on schedule to fall apart. This is a necessary phase of the metamorphosis, to shed the caterpillar skin that got you here… and during this interim, before the butterfly wings have had their chance to grow all the way in, it's natural you're unsure of who to be right now (and perhaps a bit agitated as well). Old wounds are exposed. Thorny exchanges are hitting your buttons. There's shit to deal with. Progress into this falling-apart, with willingness to see it through for the next couple months. The psychological work you do now will prevent shadowy storm-clouds from popping back up later, to rain on your parade of 2011 successes."

Amen to that.

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