Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sweedos: The Latest Phenomenon in Heinous Fashion

So apparently I missed a trick. The latest retardery is going on in Sweden:

Shiny Oompa-Loompas ftw.
I wonder if that's his sex face? I mean, the expression seems to be permanently fixed. Maybe someone lost something up his ass.
Well, clearly women's clothes rule. Good for accentuating big hard man tits. Maybe he looks like that because he can't breathe?

Is it wrong that I kind of fancy the one with cat shit all over his face? I mean. It's so obvious that he ass-rapes the other two for failing so badly at hotness.

That little gimpy guy has the same facial expression in every pic. Someone needs to tell him that staring off into the distance doesn't make you look hot and intense, it makes you look like a vacuous moron.

Unfortunately they haven't hit the internet in full force so I can't entertain you with more pictures of these fools.

However. They're not as faux-manly and heavy on the fake tan as gotti guidos are, but Sweedo hair is worse than Guido hair. Sad but true.

The verdict: Sweedos>Guidos. America fucks up again.

I close my Guido/Sweedo chapter with this. A brief look at the past, to remind us that we need never go there again.
Or at the very least, a reminder to never copy the fashions of purposely silly-looking midgets.